

Diabetes is a complex disease affecting a majority of the population nowadays. It is a chronic and debilitating illness that can progress to long-term complications if not managed adequately. At Maryland Health and Wellness Solution located in Berwyn Heights, our family physician offers exceptional diabetes care ranging from diagnosis and treatment to patient education for diabetes prevention.

Our competent general practitioner provides comprehensive diabetes treatments and health-oriented support systems to ensure an improved quality of life for the patients. We help our patients to thrive with diabetes by routine screenings, timely diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and patient counseling about lifestyle modifications. Call us today to learn more about consultations, treatments, and diabetes diagnosis, Berwyn Heights.

High Blood Pressure

At Maryland Health and Wellness Solution, we provide outstanding medical services for the control and prevention of high blood pressure. Hypertension or HBP is one of the most prevalent conditions the world over and a significant threat to an individual’s overall health because untreated hypertension can lead to heart diseases, kidney problems, and stroke.

HBP treatment at the Maryland Health and Wellness Solution focuses on providing a tailored plan for pre-hypertensive and hypertensive patients. Our family physician offers ongoing medical care to manage elevated blood pressure, which involves regular blood pressure monitoring, prescribing medications, recommending diet and lifestyle changes, guidance about stress management, and follow-up care. If you suspect underlying hypertension, schedule an appointment with us to get a definitive diagnosis and high blood pressure treatment, Berwyn Heights.

Aches and Pains

Suffering from bodily aches and pains is an enervating experience that impacts the quality of life negatively. There can be multiple reasons for the symptom of pain, and getting to its root cause is vital for improving body functionality. At Maryland Health and Wellness Solution in Berwyn Heights, we aim to optimize the health and life quality of our patients by diagnosing the origin of pains or aches and offering appropriate pain management solutions.

Our specialized healthcare structure includes a pain specialist in Berwyn Heights, who provides meticulous and effective medical care to abate the pain eliciting conditions. The specialist follows a thorough assessment and treatment protocol that includes identifying the cause of pain, developing a treatment strategy to reduce or eliminate the pain and its underlying causative condition, and restoring functionality. If you seek consultations about any pain or ache, get assistance from our pain specialist, Berwyn Heights.

Diseases Screening/Monitoring

In the absence of proper investigations, many health conditions can stay concealed and develop into fulminant complications. Maryland Health and Wellness Solution, located in Berwyn Heights, is an advanced medical facility that offers a wide range of disease screening and monitoring services. Screening tests are essential to identify potential risk factors for diseases, and disease monitoring evaluates the ongoing disease status, treatment response, and variations in risk factors.

Our facility uses the latest technology for disease screening to predict any underlying health issue before it ensues and develops a proactive approach to preventing it. We also provide disease monitoring services to track the patient’s health status following a diagnosis and to keep the associated risk factors in check. Call us today if you require disease screening in Berwyn Heights or for any further assistance.

Minor Disease Conditions

  • Allergies
  • Cold and Flu symptoms
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink eye)
  • Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea
  • Sore throat and Streps
  • Constipation
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), Bladder infections, Burning with urination.
  • Ear Infections and Aches
  • Mononucleosis
  • Stomach aches
  • Headaches
  • Acid Reflux (Heart Burn) and Indigestion
  • Upper Respiratory Infections (URIs)
  • Sinus Infection and Congestion
  • Cough
  • Gouts
  • Prostate Screening in men (PSA)
  • Contraceptive assessment &Birth control
  • Anxiety and Depression screening
  • T.B Screening (PPD)

Wellness and Physicals

  • Annual physical physicals
  • Employment physical
  • General medical exams and school physicals
  • Sports physicals
  • Smoking cessation
  • Epinephrine Injection pen refills

Travel Health

  • Malaria, Motion Sickness prevention
  • Traveler’s Diarrhea Prevention and Care

Pricing and Services

Maryland Health and Wellness Solution ensures to provide affordable quality healthcare that is evidenced based to all individual with or without health insurance coverage. We provide self-pay options and partner with various labs for those paying out of pocket for routine visits. If you will be using Insurance, we recommend you contact your insurance prior to your visit to verify your eligibility and benefits. Your co-payment responsibilities may vary based on your insurance coverage.

For our patients who are self-pay, a flat rate is charged for each visit and follow ups as well. Labs are ordered and can be done out of pocket pay for self-pay patients at any near bylab.